Mitt Romney has no ideas on foreign policy in general, and no new idea on Middle East foreign policy. To summarize, Mitt Romney's Middle East foreign policy is, "more of what Obama is doing, with more bombs."
From an article on
Mitt Romney's op-ed in Sunday's Wall Street Journal, which ran under the headline, "A New Course for the Middle East". Even by the standards of political silly season and in the heat of battle weeks before an election -- when exaggeration, obfuscation, and willful distortion become the orders of the day -- this article sets a new bar for its vacuity, aimlessness and lack of coherence. There's nothing "new" in it, and it provides no "course for the Middle East." If anything, it takes us back to the kind of muscular nonsense and sloganeering that has wreaked havoc on our credibility in recent years.